Tuesday 31 May 2011

DAY 1 (date in american) 05/24/11

SO what the hell do i do on a 9 hour plane journey... thats right have my seat kicked by kids woohooo! ahah it was a long journey and i don't think i have ever watched so much TV at one time haha. 

Rob and amy kindly waited for me :) and we all went back to Vista way complex (the main disney college programme apartments) where we sorted out some documents, and got given our room, rob was put in vista way and amy and i where placed in Patterson Court (the nicer ones whoop) and thus the trio where separated :(!

In my apartment there are 3 rooms each with 2 beds in and they all have en suites (posh hey!) also a lovely livingroom kitchen and balcony!! heres a picture of one of the apartment blocks, more pictures to come soon

THENNNNN we all went to wallmart weehheee, which was a DISASTER, not to be horrible but at that time of night, too many fat slobs are in the way! so we just quickly grabbed bed stuff so we could sleep and off home we went to die on our beds i dont think i'v ever been so tired....................ZZZZzzzzzzzz 

and after all that awful travelling .... our magical journey began :D

loves f<3 

OMG so my blogs finnallyy working

we have So much to catch up on ahhhhhhh, so where do i start? well i've been here 7 days and im LOVING it! so i may as well go in day order just to catch up, but ill post it in different blogs, maybe a couple at a time sooo enjoy reading.

have a magical day :)


Sunday 22 May 2011

2 sleeps... ZZZzzzz

I have near enough finished packing.. why cant I bring everything I own? It's not fairrr hahah! 

Last night I had the in-laws down all for a goodbye meal for me and my lovely boyfriend michael (as he is also going to the USA but to coach football) and my presents where the BEST and have got me really excited now :D so heres a few pics of the lovely night and my presents....

funnyy faccessss :P

opening presents

all smiles :)

our goodbye cake

THE best sister ever got me a photo book for when i get home sick :)

i am so nervous but excited and cant wait to spend my last full day in England with my family and boyfriend. Wish me luck as this will be my last post before arrival at Disney.
Bon voyage and as Disney say...

Have a magical day... :)

Loves F <3 xxxx

The millions q's running through my mind..... will the people on my flight be nice, will i be sitting next to a smelly person, what will my roomate be like, will i have enough money for my clothes obsession, will i miss everyone, will i get through customs ok, have i brought too many clothes, have i not brought enough clothes, will i hate the cheeseyness or love it, will i get sick because i'm a hypercondriact, have i forgot something really important, what park will i be working in, what ride will i be on, will the heat kill me, will i get a tan............. HELPPPPPP

Tuesday 17 May 2011

7 Days

So its 7 days till i go AHHGGGGG ive just moved out of preston and im back home and all thats left now is to pack for disney, and in doing that i have made a list (partly stolen from one of the girls who are also going, bethan) so if anyone would like to buy me these things feel free.....

Clothes & Accessories
Casual tops
Smart tops 
Business attire including shoes (for training/orientation)
Shoes - comfortable for walking around the parks
Other shoes (for shopping, evenings etc)
Flip flops (for pool, shower, walking etc)
Sunglasses (ensure that at least one of your pairs adheres to the "Disney Look")
Hair accesories - head bands, hair bobbles, hair slides/clips etc
Poncho/light rain mac

Toothbrush & toothpaste
Hair spray
Soap/shower gel
Face wash
Shampoo & conditioner
Lip balm
Moisturisers (face and body)
Ear buds
Make up: lips, mascara, eye liner, foundation, concealer
Make up wipes
Nail varnish & nail varnish remover
Cotton wool pads/balls
Blister stick/blister plasters
Razors & shaving foam
Hair brush & comb
Sun block & aftersun
Pain killers

Pill LOL!
Perfume/body spray
Insect repellent
Wet wipes
Antibacterial hand gel
Towels: bath, face, hand
Beach towel

Electricals. Buzz Buzz.
Travel adaptors/convertors
Hair straighteners
Hair dryer
Camera, camera battery, charger & data cable
Laptop & charger
Ethernet cable 
Mobile phone & charger

Evening/clutch bag
Sewing kit
First Aid kit
Pens & notepad
Diary/week planner
Laundry bag

Bed sheets

Paperworky Stuff
Plane tickets
Disney ICP pack and job offer letter
Visa stuff
Receipt for ICP admin fee
Photocopies of everything
Plastic folder for paperwork
Cash/cash card/credit card
International student card
Drivers licence
Medical/travel insurance

so not alot to do then.. HAHAHA i have my work cut out and my bank balance is going to suffer, but ah wellllllllllll hhaha bring on the trip of a life time

Loves F <3

Monday 16 May 2011


Soooooo you should definitely look at my beautiful friend Amy Halls blog being.. >>> www.amysophiahall.blogspot.com <<< shes alright like 

ive just finished my exams WHOPPPPAAAAA =) which means one thing.. getting everything for disney. To be honest with you im SHITTING it (sorry mum haha) 

anywho 8 days and i will be out of rainy england and living it up in florida, but no matter how excited i get i cant help but think im going to miss my friends, family and boyfriend. ah well they will just HAVE to learn how to use skype ha =) 

so i suppose this is where it begins, no uni, no preston only thing left is disney.....:D
aghh exciting times

F <3 

Sunday 15 May 2011


Clothes, shopping, clothes, shopping, clothes, shoppingg......

Eeeekkk i just bought some clothes from topshop and its getting me really excited, thought Laura Bally may want a snoop... so here are some of my purchases feeling very Indie

Yes im aware i have 2 tops the same but in a different colour :P

Very colourfulll and i love them all =) with student discount also YUMMMYYYY 

enjoy stalking

loves F <3 

Hello blogging world

So this is my first blog whoopa,

Basically this is for all my friends and family and weirdos to stalk me while i'm at Disney :D

So its 9 days today until I go and i'm super excited.

I will try and update it as much as I can so you know what i'm doing every day, how lucky are you!? 


F <3 x