Sunday 22 May 2011

2 sleeps... ZZZzzzz

I have near enough finished packing.. why cant I bring everything I own? It's not fairrr hahah! 

Last night I had the in-laws down all for a goodbye meal for me and my lovely boyfriend michael (as he is also going to the USA but to coach football) and my presents where the BEST and have got me really excited now :D so heres a few pics of the lovely night and my presents....

funnyy faccessss :P

opening presents

all smiles :)

our goodbye cake

THE best sister ever got me a photo book for when i get home sick :)

i am so nervous but excited and cant wait to spend my last full day in England with my family and boyfriend. Wish me luck as this will be my last post before arrival at Disney.
Bon voyage and as Disney say...

Have a magical day... :)

Loves F <3 xxxx

The millions q's running through my mind..... will the people on my flight be nice, will i be sitting next to a smelly person, what will my roomate be like, will i have enough money for my clothes obsession, will i miss everyone, will i get through customs ok, have i brought too many clothes, have i not brought enough clothes, will i hate the cheeseyness or love it, will i get sick because i'm a hypercondriact, have i forgot something really important, what park will i be working in, what ride will i be on, will the heat kill me, will i get a tan............. HELPPPPPP

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